Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Its a bored day with nothing but anime -__-'''

Hello lol, Its 11.34pm right NOWWW! And I have just finished watching anime after anime after anime on the come and played some rubbish with pin, low and hoho... Wa today really likek bo tai ji zo sia, I'll make this short ^.^, COZ MY MOTHER KBING ME WAAAAAA, *sniff sniff* She keep like saying, you have done nothing after tuition but sit in front of the com! Err, ya I admit, abit too much, but the annoying thing is, she keep using my results to scold me somemore, like some bonus 2min or something LOL. Its like say this thing already then TURN ONE BIG ROUND JUST TO SOOT ME AGAIN.

But nvmind to me la haha, you know me, I just smiled through it all and kept my thoughts to MYSELF... Whats the use to argue anyway, she just talk another extra 5mins -__-''' She faster stfu and go away I happier right? Never let what people say affect you too much man, or you gonna get screwed, just put a smile on your face and TWIST EVERY DAMN NEGATIVE THING PEOPLE SAYS TO YOU TO SOMETHING SO stupid that you laugh... Thats how I get through life mostly... Or I just let the insult slip down my shoulders =.= Though it stil hurts T.T, but with my mother used to it already, its like water sliding off rock her words to me lolz.

But dam loso... Its like, if your parents tell you something, you got it in your head already, AND THEY JUST REPEAT THE SAME DAMN THING ANOTHER 10 TIMES.... Then the next day, ANOTHER 20 TIMES.... I dun mind teachers and friends scolding me coz they say the bloody thing ONCE and they KNOW you got it. Well most teachers are liddat anyway Q_Q, friends scolding you ROCK btw, coz scold you always is constructive de, not like parents, SAME THING ON AND ON AND ON AND ON.... 10 SENTENCES ONLY 2 IS USEFUL.... Just a total waste of time in my opinion... But its just my parents la, i donno bout yours. If I offend in anyway paiseh arh ^.^

Today also went out for lunch with my parents, bought my AV... It went out of date =.= And my attachable pull-up bar YESSS, FINALLY SIA... WAIT SO LONG. But still haven't attach yet -.- Have to go borrow the drill from relative, then can drill the hole lol. Then the drill "RRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Then neighbour come "OI LE KAO BEI, GANINABU CCB, CAN STFU? I TRYING TO CONSTIPATE HERE" And I will be like, ERRRR..... OK...... LOL? And shrug my shoulders like nothing happen and laugh -.-.....
Ah wadever lol.

Today's post is dedicated to my very the noisy parents cause I got nothing else to talk about today LOL, hoped it made you laughed somewhat, and if I offended anyway, I apologize in advance ^.^
HOWS LIFE?! HAPPY OR NOT, If life sucks then be like me la haiyo, let all the negative stuff slide off.... But dun too lax, I overdid my happy-go-lucky self =.= now studying also not serious... Cannot everything not serious la, must control what thing you want to dun care what you want care... lol. Its good advice, FOLLOW IT HAHAHAHA.... -__-'''

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