Ah enough bout my parents, useless rofl. Well yesterday some cute green birdy flew into my house and surprisingly it didn't want to get out... Guess what it did, it was like.... The balcony fly in... Then got sometimes it tried flying out, it just bang against my window LOL. It was like, *I SWEAR I DIDN'T CLOSE THE WINDOW, I LEFT IT JUST THERE* The bird flew.... *Aeroplane mimic* "RAWRRRRRRRR, POOTPOOTPOOT. sorry i mimic old aeroplane LOL. POOTPOOTPOOT RAWRRRRR!!!! BOOOOOOOOM" *Drops to the floor* And I'm like standing around staring at it. WTF?! Dno la, I thought the animals lived around humans long enough to know about transparent glass already..... Guess not >_<...
Cute right haha, the first picture it look some some plastic statue though =.=... It sat there for like 5mins then started moving, but that was after one big bang against the glass... Poor thing Q_Q
The second picture it was like at the balcony already... But still dowan fly off .__. weird sia. But I had some fun chasing the bird around the house LOL, like some small kid xD
Ah well, this all I got for today ^.^ And I can't type too much anyway, coz now my mother is like standing around staring at me .__.
So Hows life? hope better than mine ^.^
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