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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2nd Day Of MYE; Mother Tongue Paper 1 & 2 - Better than yesterday, BUT STILL UTTER RUBBISH! >_<

Ello guys, its 5.33pm right now, I'm posting abit early today coz I got tuition later, might not be able to post haha. I just came back from studying, finished my dinner too :) and I'M GODSDAMNED TIRED... Fell asleep on the bus from AMK to My house... Half an hour lol.
SO! About the exams.... Hmm... Today was better than yesterday actually, surprisingly, since normally I feel better with my English paper... lol, nvmind, mother tongue paper 1 i wrote Q2 and Q5... I wrote ok actually, didn't need to think so hard lol, quite easy questions. I even got to sleep for 5mins between every paragraph LOL.

Mother tongue paper 2 was more crap actually, the questions were all @!#!$!@#%#@ LOL, the comprehension was utter bullshit, half the questions couldn't understand what the F*** they were asking and some of them couldn't even find the points in the passage zzz, lousy shit, but once again, dun feel like caring LOL... I just feel uncaring about anything right now haha, too carefree life already.
Tomorrow's D&T and Social Studies hmm.... Can't really study D&T lol, since I umm.... didn't buy the textbook... even after 5months.... wtf... LOL, did some social studies this afternoon already so i shall DUN CARE DUN CARE DUN CAREEEEE.....

More about my day, went out with Ryan, Peter, Francine and Ling Fang to the AMK library to study, we ended up talking rubbish for like 1hour and ganna scolded by one of the librarians LOL, we too noisy ahaha. Nvmind, we shuddap after that, study good liaoz lol.

ALSO, I HAVE JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY FART DOES NOT AFFECT GIRLS LOL, its like, only guys can smell it?! WTF? So if I want to be alone with some girl but shes with alot of guys I can just *FIRE IN DA HOLE* and everyone scram and i got about 5mins happy time alone with her LOL AHAHAHAHA. OKOK JKJK.... LOL

Enough with my anti-guy nuke, I went home alone lol, the others staying til later, i walked to about 3 busstops looking for a bus to go home ahaha, didn't know AMK well see, i got only bus 86 and 88 and 136 i think... Walked to one busstop to sit 86, but realised its at the opposite side lol, walked EVEN FURTHER to cross the road and get to the busstop, THEN I saw 86 zoom past =.=''' But nvmind i didn't mind waiting lol, but THEN, I saw 88 going to ANOTHER busstop and I remember 88 took the shorter route, so i walked EVEN FURTHER... And waited for 88.... AND SAW ANOTHER 86 just zoom past the busstop I just left... LOL, I was like wondering... err.... Nah didn't care, and carried on walking to my 88 haha, I mean... So what if I miss buses, I'm not in a hurry anyway. No need to get pissed over one small thing.

So sat 88 back home blabla... Fell asleep, and I think there was a guy who sat beside me when I was sleeping one heck of a gay fag?! I was like innocently sleeping there his finger keep poking me =.= LOL, I wondered maybe just the bus motion and kept still... Then i noticed that HE was the one moving his finger UP AND DOWN TO POKE ME IN THE ARM... LIKE WHAT THE !@#$, I immediately thought WTH?! And woke up, i just sat there looking out the window with my eyes WIDE OPEN, and he didn't do anymore gay stuff... Ridiculous sia, to think an adult... LOL.
Ya thats about my day... That GAY was the most memorable i think AHAHA. Quite a nice day, had alot of laughs at the library... Probably thats why got our asses kicked by the librarian heehee XD
So how was your day? As gayish as mine? Hope not, coz I think you might freak out if that happens to you HAHA.
Tuition soon bye!

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