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Thursday, May 7, 2009

4th Day Of MYE; English Paper 2 - Not bad?

Yoyoyo, its 9.25pm right now, and I see 1 or 2 old friends coming to tag XD, haven't seen my primary school mates for sometime already... Maybe should meet up again some day ^.^

Nvmind, as for today.... Had my English Paper 2 today, others had English AND History HA, lol, most of them anyway, those that took D&T and E.Geog get to go home early today like me heehee. And I was really slacking at home when their paper started, as I said at the below post XD. I got home at 10.30, I think the paper haven't even started LOL.

Well, about my English paper, it was quite good actually, at least its my own opinion donno about the person marking my paper :X comprehension wasn't hard, quite direct actually some of the questions, easy to answer didn't really needed to think much. The summary was good too, points were easy to find, they were practically smack in my face lol. I was only scared I overshoot the word limit, had to cut down on my sentences :P

Wasn't much of an eventful day to me, didn't hang out today with friends oops, just went home with Timo right after exam lol. No funny things happened to me today ps, I mean what do ye expect, I was only outta my house from 6.30am til 10.30am... Not much can happen in 4 hours ye know haha.
Nothing left to say. Just to add a point, i feel bit guilty LOL, planning to spend the afternoon studying but unfortunately I didn't have the mood, only studied abit... Have to make up for it NOW! >_<
Btw, I think my A-maths paper is screwed to hell. Guarantee...

Good luck to the everyone tomorrow! Hope you will be confident of passing your A-Maths... Unlike me lol.
How was YOUR day?! Mine was boring =P

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