Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


HEY YOZ! Its 9.40pm right NOW, and I'd just finished practicing me piano XD had alot of fun, and my hand hurts =.= Flight of D BumbleBee til hand pain... T.T Nvmind, so what? WHAT IS PAIN WHEN YOU CAN HAVE FUN HA! >_< think bout that lol.

So! Exams are over eh? At least for me anyway, to the people still taking literature... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IN YOUR FACE LOL. Paiseh but just felt like saying that hehe. But I will be slacking the whole day at home and outside anyway lol, got plans to go swimming tomorrow ^.^
Yes I'm proud to let people see my HOT, NAKED BODY, LOL, eh wait its only hot HALF-naked body hmm... The swimming complex need change la haiz, allow us go in naked then happy what LOL.

Well I only have that one day to party, you guys got so long... i need to stress another 14 days HAIXS... Why? i'll leave it til Thursday night or friday to tell you haha, keep you in suspense Q_Q Then I tell you you'd probably laugh in my face like what I'm doing to the literature people now lol.

Ah well, only 14 days, guess have to tahan. After that I'm gonna change abit of myself and PARTY ALL DAY ALL NIGHT. Hope i dun change myself til like some idiot walking around with a mop on my head .__.

Didn't do much today, just took my exams and went home... Lol, uhh, ya thats my day ahaha.
Well I'm late already, have friends waiting for me to play with them. Bye and nitez! Good luck to the people taking Literature tomorrow, you're going to need it... :)

How was YOUR day?! Mine was, quite uneventful? And bit boring. But it was ok ^.^

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