Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Sunday, August 8, 2010


Its been a... Honestly. Disgustin. Day.
K morning wake up arh. Nothing one.
Then afternoon go buy lunch, started to feel wrong. Then I return home. FELT VERY WRONG...
After lunch I chiong to toilet vomit -_-...
And half an hour later again...

Had to go for injection as a rushed treatment coz at night got cousin's wedding dinner had to attend.
I've had enough ant bites at home liao, now got another one...

Then had abit of fever, coz of the injection, for a short while, bout 1 hour. Then it was gone. At night, go for the wedding, throughout the thing I was tahaning grastic, fcking irritating. Then alot food dun dare to eat...

But my cousin's married! Wooo~ Congratz. They looked so sweet LOL.
Wonder what the couple is doing now... Hmm....

Woops :X

And really had fun on friday. Still got another 5 times huh. Gona cherish it wahaha.
Glad to see BB haven't changed at all.
Still have no idea how his mind works.
People's mind turn clockwise his mind turns anti clockwise...

Nice experiences he have though, he had this oral question for prelims.
"What was your first racial encounter."
He moved to SG from china, I only met him during Pri 3.
But anyways he answered "My first encounter with another race was when I was very small... I saw an Indian, I was very scared. He seemed like a terrorist!!!"

There was another malay-chinese affair thing he came up with for the PICTURE DISCUSSION... I dno how the fuck he linked to that, joker.

Probably meeting them again for ndp near compass. Wahaha hope everyone can be there this time.
And beside them I feel so under-dressed LOL.
But wadever, I'm the kopitiam type of ppl. Everyday shirt pants slippers. FTW

And thanks for opening my eyes, the world isn't filled with idiots.


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