Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Thursday, July 1, 2010

This ish soo fun...

Err hi.

Uneventful day, nothing to talk about. But it was a fun one though. Lol.

Just found out from miss oh.
Uh, I got in the XGT finals.
By some amazing stroke of tyconess~
Ignore the people in the tagboard, MY VOICE IS REALLY NOT VERY NICE. :D

But anyway, sort of happy I got in finals, coz now I got another shot to make that performance better.
At least the piano can be heard next time.

I dun really care if I win or lose. Its XGT...

Oh ya, saw this bunch of kids in the bus home, well it was a rainy day, so there was water on the bus, but that amount, is abit ridiculous I think more likely people spill water or something.
But anyway the kids was like keep following the water.
The bus stop and go makes the water move back and forth from the back to front of the bus.
Anyway I was laughing my ass off when they started RUNNING BACK AND FORTH then ending up at the back.
Thought to video it.

Timo cannot take it already, he was there "fcking kids -_-"

Not in the video, but one of the kids came to his sense and said "stop it lah, you and your stupid water."
Theres hope for our country's future. Woots.

Rest well.

P.S. This post was written while my mother was bathing, wtf I cant even write my blog in peace anymore. FRUSTRATING... :)

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