Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hello, XGT... Eyer...

Hi, I finally got ma HDD back, after TRYING to meet up with tommy for over 7 days. Today's the 9th, if I not wrong. Stupid idiot watch world cup til 5am sleep til 3pm.

Anyhoos, not a bad day.
Did a "performance" in the canteen, anyway in ma opinion it wasn't much of one.
Lousy atmosphere, lousy sound quality.
Though I got positive comments from people lol. Apparently my voice isn't too bad.
But sadly cannot hear the piano.
K first of all, THE PIANO IS NOT MA FAULT I TELL U -.-
Second, the management of the whole XGT thing is really dam jialat.
Last year's ways was better.
Count me unlucky. :(

But wadever, I gave it my best shot, and SOMEHOW it wasn't too bad. At least people didn't say my voice sucks. :D Hopefully thats the truth. Haha
If I dun move on gonna be abit suck, to be honest I wan another try.
In A DIFFERENT PLACE... If today was in a hall, move on or not. I really dun care.

I got inspired to really start practising the guitar seriously.
Dno, some songs just sound nicer with a guitar rather than a piano. I need it.

So yaya, thanks to all the people who came to support. At least, I think you did.
Probably just walk past and happen to see. Then stop for shuang. LOL

Mother once again ruined my mood within a MINUTE of her coming home.
She should start setting a world record.
My gods.
Omg she just ruined it again LOL.
Nvm got it back, music ftw.

Nites, rest well.

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