Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hi, super long post. LONGEST...

Yo, the post is all in video.
I sound like a retard. :D
It was fun doing it though.
But its 25mins long, u got patience to watch through. Power.
I warn first, its just me talking. Really.

But just to add-on, today was my last performance in the band, but NO it is not my last performance, I got another one on 19th july... The xia suay day :P
3 years in the band got the memories and wadever, good times, bad times.
Been fun anyway, at least, when you're not sitting down there and yawning.
And I aso thank everyone who came for the performance, you willing to sacrifice your time to come over, ty.
People who bought/made me presents, thks alot aso.

Ending off, I wish anybody who wants to pursue music. Good luck.
Its a good choice :D
But anyway, to anyone whose reading this, have a good night's rest.
I'm gonna sleep also.

Good morning if you're reading this in the morn though. :)

P.S. Yes its the longest post thks to the video. XD

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