Good day, good day...
Its 10.24pm now, I think I will finish this post at 11 ... -_-
Supposed to catch the bus that the other people were on to changi.
But thks to Kenny, for one waffle we missed it. Took the next one, zong han on it also.
Overslepted lol.
So go Pulau Ubin, my first thought was "Shit I gonna fall down."
Heres the thing, I have went to Ubin a few times in ma life, and each time, I have never failed to fall down.
Today is an exception, its a miracle. HEHE
Btw I told my mother I was going East Coast LOL. I figured she wun let me go if I told her ubin, like last time.
Wadever I told her the truth when I got back, for reasons of my own. Better than I thought sia the outcome :)
So upon reaching changi interchange, I realised, AND i expected this.
I was one of the 4 people who was wearing slippers.
And I am the only fella without a bag.
Everyone brought change of clothes all this.
I found it cumbersome to bring a bag and just went wif the clothes on ma back and the usual shit in my pockets.
20+ people went to ubin, cycled. Enjoyed it.
And ya there were injuries. Expected though, all were the cuts and wadever, no bone breaking.
Went to chek jawa, there were actually a lot of things there, but everyone the loud talking and footsteps made them all run away :( In the end I walked faster ahead of everyone and caught a glimpse of this and that before they zao :)
Alot of scenery also, Plz scroll down :)
And animals. Plz scroll down :)
And people playing with animals. Plz scroll down :)
And I have successfully cycled free-hand. -_-
Which enabled me to concentrate fully on smsing and no need use my hands to control da bike :D
And also I realise the pictures I take hardly have humans inside it. :O
K uh, this is... Holy shit alot of pics, lazy pick out which one better just upload all -.-
This is. View from atop tower. Trees.
View from atop tower. Trees
View from atop tower. Trees
View from atop tower. Trees
View from atop tower. Panorama. Sea and trees.
Long Long Bridge extending to nowhere. Somewhere in the middle.
Long Long Bridge. Look back At the cottage.
Long Long Bridge. Look even further back at the cottage...
Long Long Bridge. Some rocky island in the middle of nowhere.
Long Long Bridge. Somewhere in the middle. WITH TWO HUMANS! OMG!
Above the quarry.
Above the quarry.
Where the heck did I take this -.-
Wild boar. K captured wild boar... -_-
Another rabbit. Upclose
Dog. LOL
Dog with, zhi yang's hand?
Dog having fun... With wing and pin.
Chek Jawa. Chek Jawa tree :)
Chek Jawa. Chek Jawa tree... With another tree...
Another quarry. From hut?
Quarry with tree with sun. Love this pic
Wtf the boar staring at me -_-
Alot of people atop the tower ._.
Really scared the tower falls...
Faggot with tongue. LOL
Got some videos also.
Realised got echo, so we shouted some nonsense. Hear properly theres an echo.
Riding in circles. Say Hi ^_^
I just stared at this for 10mins, dno why. Just stare...
I dno why did I take these videos for... Shows what I was doing in the bus, while everyone was sleeping...
I'm insane. Really ._. The bus trip was 1 hour long, I was doing this behind for 1 hour...
Oh saw an alien dog also. Err, its disgusting. He walk past, I didnt really know what I saw til pin tell me, then i realise, coz I didnt really take note of it.
The dog's head, the right side of it got one huge patch missing, and you can see its goddamned brain. And its still walking. Not dead, ALIVE...
Scary -.-
Alot of pics sia, sleeping now.
Its like 11.35 wtf, took 1 hour to finish.
Mother angry. LOL
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