Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Woo another LAN trip today haha

Arlo, today's been quite a fun day haha, coz of shouting and going crazy... 8 people at once...
Woke up at 8am as usual, playplay, started playing fallout 3... Its fun, but some part gives me the creeps -__-''' seriously... I walk into some dark place then hear the music "EEEEE...OOOOO....AAAA.....EEEEEE" Then hear some big bug crawling around, then BOOM. Nah jk la, nvr boom. But the other things is for real =.=

I play til like 12pm, eat lunch, play bit more, then went out to Hougang Green LAN, I was already late, well... I intended to be late =.=
reached the LAN and tried looking around for my friends, not exactly hard to find, since they were like one whole row playing CS =.= joined them, there was, Pin, me, Ming, Low, Maverick, Wesley, JJ and JamesBOND... Lol, his nick la, I tink his name is Dave though :P dno, the last four guys played with them online quite awhile liao, went out with them once before.

At about 6+pm had match, this the fun part, 4v4, first to reach 15 round wins WINS, and the loser team treat drink to winner team haha. Me, Ming, Low and Pin vs they 4. At first quite serious, then ended up we were the noisest group in the whole LAN LOL, reach round 4 liddat we started shouting around, lets say, my team all die, left 1 person, 1v4. You hear, "OI WHAT THE F***, WHERE HE LA." Then kill 1 person, the whole 8 "OHHHHHHHH." Next guy die, the whole group "AHHHHH, OHHHHHHH. Then you hear one among 8 there "GANASAI!"

We playplay I notice people keep turning around, some of the smaller kids, I mean come on, you see 8 people laughing their ass off then win one round one big shout "SONG AH, FREE DRINK LIAO FREE DRINK LIAO" who won't wonder whether they got mental problem =.= LOL
Stupid, ended up we lost =.= BUT I GOT TOP FRAG HA! >_< Nvmind, but to be honest, we didn't treat drink LOL, we went eat dinner then everyone buy their own liao, we treating next week, if going again haha.

If next week going again then song, make the match 100rounds. We play til high all night rofl. Ah well, funs over. Hope resumes next week :D
Going out with the two Jos tomorrow.... They say gonna change me, NO MONEY~ >_<
Hmm, see see, also need some new clothes...
Can't believe I'm willingly going out to shop =.= Maybe I knocked my head or something. Nvmind.

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