Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hey, Recover fast.

Heyhey, its 11.45pm right now, its been a.... Perfectly fine day? Lolz, today met up with relatives for dinner, ya uhh, thats like the only interesting thing that happened.... =.= Besides the load of rubbish I was doing in CS with pin, low and ho....

Well woke up at 8am as usual :D lol, WITHOUT FAIL I TELL YOU, WITHOUT FAIL. Weekday can liao lol. Ya um, play lor, as usual, lunch, play til like 4pm, goddamn it, really play dam long. Pin and Low went to Vincent hse do homework, I didn't go, since they are like doing bio.... And I dun study Bio =.=.... After that do some homework, then went out to dinner with my relatives. Met them at grandma house, first point I wanna make clear, I'm not close to my relatives, I nvr really enjoyed meeting up with them much.... You can just say friends closer than relatives.... Maybe even family, hais. Forced to go, duh.

After that come home play bit more, then here I am YO. XD
About the dinner, went to Chomp Chomp. And I'm like surprised pin didn't know where that is... Its like the one of the famous hawker centres in Singapore la walao. But sadly the food there getting not so good liao, the old people all gone, youngsters take over z. When I say youngsters they are not in their 20s.... lol. Ate this and that, then some of them say I look better..... *More points for the Jos... Haha* Happy bout that of coz LOL.

Then ya thats about it, AND JOEY FINALLY RETURNED MY SS BOOK AHAHAHA~ -__-'''
lolz :P
Oh ya, for the xms people who dno yet, one person in our school gana H1N1, but i dno who, heard indirectly from teacher, maybe got post in SMB, go look? I cant >< forgot my password WOOPS. Hope that guy can recover... Jy! Slim chance but, JYJYJYJYJYJYJYJY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also to everyone in the world. Good luck and recover fast ^.^

Sweet dreams, hoped your holiday was excellent.

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