Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Flag Day .__.

Hi! Its 11.38pm right NOW! And I'm abit tired from Flag Day... Err I'm imagining that this is Saturday... Although its Sunday =.= lol. Ah ignore that shall we? ^.^ To be honest I thought Flag Day was gonna be somewhat like cannot open mouth ask people donate that kind of thing, but I was wrong lol, well I caused myself to be wrong -__-'''

So went to school at 8am, listen to the teacher-in-charge BLABLABLA then took our tin cans and set off. We are helping the S.P.C.A this time, animal charity O.O, I paired up with Ivan LOW and off we went. So we walk and ask walk and ask, lol. I thought I wouldn't even be able to open my mouth, but amazingly i opened my mouth a 100 times LOL. And I just stare at the person and open-close-open-close like a goldfish, no words came out LOL. =.= Ya right, as if that will happen haha, me and Ivan just walk up to the fella and ask "Would you like to donate please?!" Then some donate lor, some didn't, those that didn't hope they all die a painful horrible death HA! WOOPS. Jk la Jk la, touchwood =.=

Me and Ivan went walking to Hougang Mall first, on the way ask around, got some donations, reached HG mall, ate at Long John's coz Ivan was hungry =.= Time waster lol. After that we went off to Boon Keng.... The place dam gloomy sia, all the people walk around with the unhappy face, and we didn't see alot of people... Walk along the whole bloody path only got like 5-6 donations hais. Everyone there like keep to themselves O.O
We were planning to walk all the way back to school de LOL, but ya expected, didn't happen. We ganna block by TPE =.= Had to take bus to cross it, then got off at Potong Pasir and continue walking, AND SEE ANOTHER TPE, took bus again to Serangoon, then meet all types of people there lol.

Some quite nice, donate alot. Some just shook their heads, got some dam kb, u walk up to them they just ignore you like you a tree. Got one ahma I nearly say cb to her LOL. We walk up to her ask donate she treat us like a part of the grass kns. Just kept walking, shake the butt left right somemore LOL. Then got another guy, donno if on purpose or not, we wanted to approach him, the he suddenly "HRRRRUACCKKKKKKK PUI!" He just spit saliva right next to him, I see liao straight always turn another way LOL, then I look at Ivan "Eh, you see the guy confirm don wan donate de then walk off right -__-" He just "Ya lol, 没有公德心的人where will wan do donate =.=?" But not a bad tactic leh, next time got all the advertisement people approach me or something I "HRRRRUACCCCKKKK PUI!" in their face AHAHAHAHAHA.

Then met two interesting people, one is some 20-25 year old chio bu =.= Ivan keep talking about her, just now go out with him ALSO TALKING ABOUT HER LIKE WTF. I mean, EH ELLO, SHE IS 5 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU AT LEAST =.= But she quite nice, donated $2, but I think its probably coz she couldn't find change then use note.... Heehee, the other guy is a... Actually I donno he what, he look like just came back from exercise but he carrying a suitcase and a camera stand... And his accent like not from SG, BUT HE LOOK LIKE SG PPL... Ah wadever, he chatted to us for a while after donating, then left. Quite nice guy.

Oh ya, and we got lost like 3 times LOL. We walkwalk around, then was like
Ivan: "Eh sien leh, getting boring liao, wan anyhow go places?"
Me: "Anything lor."
Me: "-__-..................."
And we ended up lost in some nowhere, still in Serangoon, but like no people walking around =.=, we took another bus that supposedly went back the same way BUT ENDED UP IN ANOTHER PLACE. Then...
Ivan: Eh walao, ALL UR FAULT LA, YOU SAY WHAT GO ANYWHERE. *Please look at the first conversation, HE STARTED IT XD*
And so we went back to the interchange.... Then just took 147 back to school.

And the 147 dam guai lan, when we were roaming around we saw like 10+ 147s, ALOT. Then the moment we sat down and wait, WE HAVE TO WAIT LIKE 15-20MINS JUST FOR THAT FREAKING BUS. And the moment we stood up and started to ask people donate in the busstop, THE 147 COME. Stupid -.-
Oh ya I go disiao 2 primary school students also LOL, feel dam bad haha. I ask them donate they say dowan, I like thinking My ass, primary school only wallet confirm got all the 50cent coin z. Then I purposely, "No money then say ma, stupid." then walk off. LOL, I think they two stun tio or something, heck care HA.

Handed in the tin can then chatted abit and went off to Kenny Leng house with some other people, stay there play cards and keep talking about pokemon =.= LIKE WTF, HIS ROOM GOT TWO POKEMON POSTERS GOT ALL THE stupid pokemon on it. Then keep talking -.- but vely cute leh, it made me remember how fun pokemon was last time LOL.
Quite a fun day la, met all kind of people and dam funny to corner some people force them fork out the cash WAHAHAHA. -__-

So How was YOUR DAYYYY, hope it was full of charity .__.

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