Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Riffs, Riffs, and more Riffs

MEN feels gewd when u can play all the kickass riffs with the proper instrument rather than blasting the song and there feeling sucky. YEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA.

K I fakken need a drumset....

Planning to ask the cca alumni tmr to teach me some other stuff. Honestly I'm err bit stuck..... Need bit o help.
Also wan a guitar with a toggle switch Q_Q

Amg I dun spend money often but whenever I do, the stuff I buy one item few hunnerd dollars LOL. Shit need support myself.

Ye well ciaoz hope everyones having a great time, Im jus so-so...

P.S. To all pianists who only play mainstream pop songs... Get a life. Sry but I jus bloody against this type of ppl no matter who you are. Dam irritating pls. Walk here walk there always hearing the same typical songs. _)_

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