We didn't know there got fireworks, just tyco tyco hit jackpot. LOL.
Went to pin hse to finish the xmoogle sai. Then went to compass, walk over to the swim complex, bought 2 kites. One flew to god knows where, the other with low i think. We met at like 9.30, walk around til 10.30, fly kite, lie down chatchat. OMg grass dam itchy >.< The moon was DAMMMMM nice i tell u, right on top of us, one giant ball of cheese. K u know i dun believe that =.= Took some pics, in my opinion i take until like shit. But becoz the moon so nice its nice. I dun make sense do I -.-
Oh ya, saw some UFO fly past the moon, OMGWTFBBQ right. First UFO sighting in SG ftw~
Got another pic
Took a vid of the fireworks, ya u can hear my voice, got pin, low and kenny, only 4 of us. Had alot of fun counting down with the people that we can hear, it was families in the HDBs around us, there was really no one in that large field lol, only us and some bunch of gangsters at the other side or smth, dam empty. 5 4 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR~~~~!!!! K sry I shouted merry christmas. LALALA~
Ho ya, I saw a bus, dam cute advertisement on it lool, on it writes.
Sagami Original, NO.1 THINNEST CONDOM IN DA WORLD.... I taut i see wrong, where got bus got this kind of advert, but NOOOO.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ITS RIGHT THERE. RIGHT IN MY FACE.... Thinnest condom in the world F.T.W K sry I know dam gross LOL. But still, interesting wahahaha~
Been a very enjoyable day, though i really wonder what it wud be like if my SV was still on hmm.... But suck lar, no one use mic one cept me. Useless. Cfm all use typing.
Posted another vid aso :D
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down
Plz enjoy it~
Hoped you enjoyed the last few hours of 2009 and the first few hours of 2010, I know I did.
Nites! :)
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