Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Friday, August 14, 2009


Hai its 11.16pm right nowz. Just finished bathing, today was bit boliao, yet I found a new thing to do while i'm bored in school Q_Q... But the thing is not even in school -.- Can't remember anything from yesterday, so lets just forget bout yesterday. Lolz

Morning go schoolz, chinese, nothing specialz, then PE, plae badminton, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ English, 87.
Recess. Stuck in class. Maths, doing chinese... Errr ya that doesnt sound right but don't YOU do it too?! XD
After school, went out to eat with DA BEAR... Heng, pin, low and jk. Twisted straws ftw. Went back to school, got stuck in class til like 2.30pm... Pei jon. After that went to find Mr. Lee, then do work do til like 5pm. Went down to 305, not alot of people, Peter and Qiaoyi only... Got bored, took a walk around school, then I found the thing that I could do when I got bored... Actually is lame, rofl. I just took a jog around the park -.- Ya I changed back into my smelly PE attire and walked to the park and run 2.4... I failed miserably T.T 11.00mins... Went back to 305 half-dead, Peter and Qiaoyi still there drawing table...

Ended up really boliao lolz, started jumping round trying to touch the friggin ceiling with pin, lenze and zhi yang... And also found out I could actually jump quite high Q_Q Only person who could touch the ceiling XD
lenze went to npcc room to take his bag... But he gana stuck in the debrief rofl, took another walk around school til he come back, talktalktalk with him til like 7pm... Thought Heng finish by then, well he did... But I cudn't find him -__- Went home alone. Saw this guy lip-singing in the bus, he seemed normal... Maybe just enjoying music til high, he listening to mp3... Lolz.

Balls, ok now I r going to go run 2.4 every two days in the park LOL. Maybe not -.- But friday confirm. Fun :D
Lenze finally said something goddamned sensible in the 2 and half years I know him...
*No one wants jokers like us.*
I agree 101%...

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