Wtf is dis for amg useless box


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Heyz, bouncy balls and sharp needles anyone? LOL

Hiz, its 9.32pm, ima bit pissed with myself, i dowan say why, coz abit dumb =.= Been a uhh..... Perverted day. LOL, stupid timo, keep talking about the this and that.... -__-'''
And again, laugh til no strength ZZZ.

Oh ya, I sit the bus this morning it was the same as the one that broke down two days ago lol, I go in liao "holy shit, its the same bus! BREAK DOWN PLZ YESSSSS." But didnt... >.<
Reach school liaoz, surprised changed back to parade square, sien sia, class WAS SO FUN. In parade square go there sien sien only z. Then start lesson liaoz, first was english, sat beside zhan, since albert didnt come and lionel have to sit with the china ppl =.=

So on to E.Geog, nothing much la, basically spend the whole lesson with min jian, kaiwai and timo about this and that lolz. Next, uhh, shit wad was next. LOL, eh WTF. Uhh.... OH YES SOCIAL STUDIES. Wootz, lol, Mr. Tan come in crap as usual :P then recess.
After recess was the start of the.... Perverted... shit.... -__-
I dowan say out, so maybe bit confusing LOL. K uhh, we went for D&T, walking down the stairs, timo suddenly "Pok likes to, rub, jolin's" I nothing say just say something that starts with a T LOL LALALA~
Then we laugh laugh laugh, gana hit by jolin, then went for class, the whole bloody 2 hours, he was asking me about my "preferences" I THERE WTH WHAT IS WRONG WITH U ASK THIS KIND OF QUESTIONS. Somemore keep spamming, u rather bouncy ball or sharp needle LIKE THE F? Tight? Loose? WAD?! Nothing say, it was just dam.freaking.sick And I freely admit, I also talk til shuang LOL.
K forget what i said =.=

First Blood also has a new meaning.... Err, lets just say timo started doing some back and forth motion then "FIRST BLOOD WOOO~!" shit, i remembering what he doing all over again zzz. Disgusting idiot .__.
Maths was, uhh, another uneventful lesson, didnt do much. Except that me and timo suddenly laugh dam loud at a disgusting shit thing when the whole class was quiet... It was like u hear Mr.Ang there "this times this equal this, plus this. blablabla........ WAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Stare at us. oops, gana call come out write the binomial thing, HENG I KNOW XD
As for what we laughing at, it was about using a pair of tweezers and open up something that u should not know................................... ....................... . . . . . .. . .


Stayed back to chiong finish the maths that was due today, then go home with timo. Play my burnout.... And the world's most fail car crash happened -.- I went for a shortcut thing, up a ramp, basically I flew into the air when I went off the ramp, supposed to land on the road again, I didnt see properly. I bang into some dick tree in mid-air wtf. Like "VROOOM~ WEEEEEEEEEE BOM BIM BAM PRACK~"

K thxbai nites.

P.S. Dun talk to timo about perverted thing, once he starts HE CANT STOP.

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