K about the monday thing... Uhh... Better off not knowing. XD
Tuesday quite shuang though, or was it wednesday, hmm cant rmb. Song dedication to minjian finally played. Lmao the message we wrote was joke. Can't really rmb it completely, but rmb enjoy your bone is QUITE clearly... XD LOL.
Who let the dogs out ftw heehee
K I also finally figured out the fuzzy wuzzy loves wadever the fuck. With ALOT of help... K I admit, I dumb. k? -.- But alot of fun disiaoing ppl though, makes you feel dam smart... Err I'm not.
Just something to pass the time.
Find the wrong one among all this....
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves rollerblades but not skateboards.
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves rollercoasters but not themeparks
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves broccoli but not spinach
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves ferris wheels but not rollercoasters
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves trees but not leaves
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves beer not wine
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves satellite but not cable
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Wallets but not Purses...
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Puzzles but not Board Games..
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Kittens but not Cats...
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves floors but not carpet
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves riddles but not jokes
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves maggots fried with garlic and onion, but not idiots fried with garlic and onion…
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves strawberries but not cream
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves bubble gum, but not chewing gum...
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves underpants but not the thing inside.
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves butts but not hips.
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Cheese but not Ham
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Pepper but not Salt...
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Books but not Magazines!
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Ballet but not Waltz...
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves to be Funny but not Crazy...
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves yahoo and not wikipedia!!
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves to see porn but not to watch porn (Salim)
Fuzzy Wuzzy don't like monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday but loves weekdays and weekends. (Ryan)
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves pull-ups but not push-ups. (Lenze)
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Fizzy but not Chong Yu. Omg ._.
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Faggots but not fags... -_-
Fuzzy Wuzzy loves Branzann but does not like bears. Although fuzzy wuzzy is one too :)
I go sleep while you destroy ur eyes, if you actually wan read thru...
Nites! :)